Monday 20 October 2014

Top Certification For IT Sector Employees And Candidate With The Help Of DS-200

Qualifying in this qualification is not a simple thing to attain. Candidate needs to be prepared along with necessary material and resources to complete the exam.

In the written examination segment of CCP:DS, applicants are tested on their acquaintance of essential data science subjects. Applicants must complete DS-200 to become entitled for a Data Science Essentials. Following are the topics covered in the examination.

Data Acquisition
·         Deploy a variety of acquisition methods for obtaining data, containing database integration running with APIs
·         Utilize Hadoop tools such as Flume and Sqoop
·         Utilize command line tools such curl and wget

Data Evaluation
·         Knowledge of the file types commonly used for input and output and the advantages and disadvantages of each
·         A familiarity with Hadoop SequenceFiles and serialization using Avro
·         An understanding of filtering and sampling techniques
·         Tools, utilities and techniques for evaluating data from the command line and at scale
·         Methods for working with various file formats containing binary files, XML, JSON and .csv

Data Transformation
·         Write records into a new format such AvroOutputFormat or SequenceFileOutputFormat
·         Write a custom subclass of FileOutputFormat
·         Write a Mapper using Python and invoke via Hadoop streaming
·         Write scripts to anonymize data sets
·         Join data sets
·         Invoke Unix tools to convert file formats
·         Write a script that receives records on stdin and write them to stdout
·         Write a map-only Hadoop Streaming job

Machine Learning Basics
·         Understand how to use Mappers and Reducers to create predictive models
·         Identify appropriate uses of the following: parametric/non-parametric algorithms, kernels, support vector machines, clustering, neural networks, recommender systems and dimensionality reduction
·         Understand the different kinds of machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning

·         Identify appropriate uses of various models including distribution, centroid, group, density and graph
·         Classify the algorithms applicable to each model
·         Describe clustering and identify appropriate use cases
·         Explain the value and use of similarity metrics including Euclidean distance, Pearson correlation and block distance

·         Explain the steps for training a set of data in order to classify new data based on known data
·         Describe classification formulas and techniques
·         Classify the utilize cases for logistic regression, Bayes theorem

Collaborative Filtering
·         Explain the limitations and strengths of collaborative filtering techniques
·         Classify the use of item-based and user-based collaborative filtering techniques
·         Decide the metrics one should use to evaluate the accuracy of a recommender system
·         Decide the appropriate collaborative filtering implementation

Model/Feature Selection
·         Examine a scenario and determine the appropriate attributes and features to select
·         Explain the role and function of feature selection
·         Examine a scenario and determine the methods to deploy for optimal feature selection

·         Decide sample percentiles
·         Examine a scenario and determine the likelihood of a particular outcome
·         Summarize a distribution of sample numbers
·         Decide a range of items based on a sample probability density function

·         Examine data visualization and interpret its meaning
·         Decide the most effective visualization for a given problem

·         Classify 1st order and 2nd order optimization techniques
·         Understand optimization methods
·         Decide the sources of errors in a model
·         Decide the learning rate for a particular algorithm

Road to the achievement by using our latest and workable study material regarding DS-200 Practice Test and CCA-500 PDF Questions.

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